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Monday, December 20, 2010

“A Yellow Cab To Red Square”

In the early 1990s, when America appeared as the true city on a shining hill, many anecdotes were told about the old country.  The intrinsic difficulty that came with being a Soviet citizen was only outdone by the humorous sequence of events which inevitably developed if one found themselves in the unfortunate position of having to deal with government authorities. 

Many jokes about the “sovok” and the indignities of daily Soviet life were thrown around, as politically correct amusement relevant to the times.  A family member of mine remarked “An American would never submit to being treated like the lemmings in the USSR.”

He was wrong.

Forward not even 20 years, and American airports have become a collective graveyard of not only every right we were taught in school, but also of logic and pragmatism.  As God did not officially exist in the Soviet Union, nor does common sense exist in American airports. 

Rafi Sela, an Israeli security expert, compares his country’s approach with that of ours and offers some tips on how to fix this mess.


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