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Monday, February 28, 2011

And the Oscar Goes to.....

Link to article: http://www.jpost.com/ArtsAndCulture/Entertainment/Article.aspx?ID=210158&R=R1

The Oscars are the Superbowl of the film world. Each year, millions of people all around the world tune in to watch. Last night the Oscar for best actress went to the Israeli born actress of Russian descent, Natalie Portman for her role in The Black Swan, which was also produced by a fellow Jew of Russian descent, Darren Aranofsky.

Portman was born in Jerusalem, Israel on June 9th, 1981, under the birthname Natalie Hershlag. Portman has starred in such films as, Where the Heart Is, The professional, Closer, V for Vendetta, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, and many others. Her maternal ancestors were Jewish immigrants from Austria and Russia, and her paternal ancestors were Jews who moved to Israel from Poland and Romania. Her paternal grandfather, whose parents died at Auschwitz, was an economics professor in Israel, and her Romanian-born great-grandmother was a spy for British Intelligence during World War II.

She holds dual citizenship, here in the United States and in Israel. Portman once said in an interview, "I really love the States, but my heart's in Jerusalem. That's where I feel at home."  Something like this is a testament to the achievements of the Jewish people, of what Israel and the Jewish nation has given to the world in all fields of life, in this case to the entertainment world. Also, taking home an Oscar for Best Documentary Short was the Tel Aviv set documentary Strangers No More.

1 comment:

  1. kế toán cho giám đốc
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    khoá học kế toán thuế
    "Trước khi lão bản đó phục dược có thực lực như thế nào ?" Đoạn Vân hỏi .

    "Cao Cấp Kiếm Sư" Diệp Cô Thành đáp một cách chi tiết.

    "Phục dược xong thì sao!"

    "Đại Kiếm Sư! Thiếu gia ! Thuốc của Ngài đã làm cho một kiếm sư trực
    tiếp nhảy cấp trở thành Đại Kiếm Sư " Diệp Cô Thành nhắc tới việc này
    cũng rất hưng phấn, càng nói càng kích động .

    Đoạn Vân cười cười, đúng vậy, xem ra thuốc này ta nhất định phải uống
    rồi, chỉ có đồ ngu mới không uống thôi!

    "Đấu giá vào ngày nào ?" Đoạn Vân hỏi.

    "Bảy ngày sau!" Diệp Cô Thành trả lời.



    Ngày thứ hai, Đoạn Vân nhìn Diệp
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